Presents, in its entirety, the second and final night of a curing ceremony held by the Kashia group of the Southwestern Pomo Indians. Shows how on the first night (May 31, 1963), while the Shaman was in a hypnotic trance, the patient's pain was located and the germs removed from his body
Anthropology, David Wayne Peri, Robert Walter Wharton
Shaman, Piwóya (Essie Parrish); singers, Bernice Dollar, Bertha Antone, Julia Marrufo, Emmett Antone; fire tender, Clement Marrufo; patient, Sidney Parrish
February 8, 2018 Subject:
OOOOOh for My Creator who honored My Kashia People with sending us these songs. These prayers are sacred but only for those true believers. If you dont come to this way fully then i warn you not to invite this way into your life